This Section contains publications related to general drafting.
Exploring Drafting
11th Edition 2012 Hardcover Goodheart-Wilcox
Authors: John R. Walker and Bernard D. Mathis
ISBN: 978-1-60525-405-0
Retail Price: $82.64 School Price: $61.98
Exploring Drafting is designed for use in introductory drafting courses at any instructional level. This text provides a strong foundation in drafting fundamentals and teaches essential manual (traditional) and CAD drafting skills. Coverage includes detailed instruction on geometric constructions, orthographic projection, and dimensioning practices. The text covers techniques and procedures used in creating multiview drawings, section views, auxiliary views, pictorial views, and pattern developments. End-of-chapter drawing problems reinforce the chapter content and help students build problem-solving skills. Exploring Drafting features a colorful, highly illustrated design to promote student interest.